Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My inspiration

I have been inspired by the 2009 Ikea catalogue. Since I have had a child, we have collected a plether of toys, games, stuffed animals, shape sorter, instruments, shopping carts, strollers, play cars...and the list goes on. So we decided a while back to convert our office/guest room into a play room for Keira. I have a vision in my head what it was to look like. We started this project back in the beginning of spring. We moved our computer/office stuff to the living room in a nice desk armor, moved some old furniture to storage and started throwing stuff away. Well that little project was put on hold for a few months until...it came. It, being the new Ikea catalogue. We had painted 2 walls months ago and never got to the other two. That is what I did today. The painting is finished and I am ready to start the next step. Here are some pics of the color....I love it! I plan on putting up a chair wall, some red and white polka dot wall paper from the bottom up to the chair rail, and some cute Ikea shelving/table and chairs for K to play with.

We have had a fun few days. On Monday, Brodie, Keira and I went to Susan and Shelbys moms new home for a dip in the pool. We had lots of fun. Keira loves the water and just wants to jump right in all the time. She has no fear at all. She also loves for us to dunk her all the way in the water. She even kicks her feet and moves her arms as if to swim a little. I think we have a little Michael Phelps in training! Here are some pics.

Prior to painting today, Keira and I went to the park and then to Nana's, who was watching cousin Bowen. Keira and I played with Bowen who is getting so big and oh so cute. Keira just loves playing with him, and with Nana too. Keira kept taking his passy away from him and trying to keep it for herself. She does not even use her passy that much so it was kinda funny. It is so funny how Bowen and Keira are just about the same size.

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