Sunday, October 5, 2008

Guck, Guck, Goose

Today was a lovely day! We had a fun family day and I am sad it has come to an end. We spent the morning lounging around and enjoying the morning with eachother. Then had a nice late lunch with Brodie's family where we celebrated Delaney's 8th birthday. We ate at IHOP which was very yummy! Then we came home, and Brodie and Keira took short naps while I finished reporing my kiddos grades for the first six weeks. I can not beleive six weeks has gone by already. Only five more six weeks left until summer! Thas funny to say. Actually I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. It will be here before we know it. Speeking of bees, Keira is going to be a bumble bee for Halloween. She has the cutest costume ever. It has a black tutu so she kinda looks like a bumble bee ballarina! I can't wait to see her all dressed up.

So, after doing some works, we took Keira to a duck pond. It was so fun. We brought bread and feed the ducks. They were so friendly and Keira just loved it. She kept calling them, "gucks!" It was too cute. And I was surprised that they were as friendly as they were. I guess they are used to people and kids. Keira was upset when we ran out of bread so I told her we would come back sometime this week. Here are some of my favorite pics from the duck pond....

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