Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Fun

Been very busy. Last Sunday was lots of fun. We took Keira to the Green Meadow Petting Farm and Pumpkin Patch. I think is the same one that was on Jon and Kate plus 8! There are several around the US and one happens to be in Grand Prarie. It is right by Joe Pool Marina. I would suggest going if you have little ones because it was a blast and Keira had lots of fun. We took our wagon so she could ride around but she enjoyed walking/running more. We saw lots of animals like goats, pigs and pigglets, cows, baby ducks, llamas, horses (or Neigh Neighs as Keira calls them) and even a zebra. We were alound to go in and pet all of the animlas. We even got to milk a cow. I was very amazed that we were able to do that. And it was really cool. We also went on a hay ride which was lots of fun. I was very impressed and hope to make this trip again next year.

Our TV went out in the living room...and not to mention any names...but some little person in our household was the last to touch a button on the TV. That is a big NO that we are apparently still working on. So we ended up getting a new big ol TV. Probalby too big for us but we are enjoying it. I cant wait to see the difference on Wii tennis. I bet I will be better now!

This weekend is my High School reunion. I am pretty excited. Brodie and I are going to both Friday and Saturday night. It should be fun to see old friends...and I am kinda looking forward to some kid free night outs. Brodie and I both took off work Friday so we can spend the day with Keira. No plans yet but maybe the zoo or something. We shall see. Saturday should be fun because all three of us are going with Brodie's mom and dad to the annual Golden Retriever Rescue Picnic. Keira loves dogs so I know she will have a ball. And maybe we will find a new member to add to our family!

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