Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sniff sniff....

Have not had too much free time to blog. The free time I do have I prefer to spend with Keira so I am beginning to realize that my blogs will be minimal. School is going great. I love my kids, my school, and my new coworkers. Everything seems to be going good. I still am kinda clueless on some things but I am getting the hand of it. It is very frustrating not knowing what exactly to do, what to teach and not having anyone to ask or go to for help. Everyone still thinks I know everything...which I do not! But I am doing what I can to give it my best. So far (this will change, I bet you a million) I have learned that I like teaching math better than teaching reading/language arts. That is so crazy because I hated math in all my school years. I like teaching reading, but it is still hard to plan a lesson because my kids are on all diffirent levels.

Speaking of school...Keira is about to start preschool. I am so excited for her and I know she will love it and that it will be so wonderful for her. Her wheels are always turning and she is always wanting to learn, play, and interact with others...especially kids. She will be in a Tuesday/Thursday class and...she is the only girl in the class. She will be the little Princess! There is so much I feel like I have to do this weekend to get her already....get a lunch box, get ID tags, monogram her lovey that she sleeps with, and much much more. My little girl is off to school... one more day of drying my tears away.

New Pics.....
Keira and Aspen snuggling
She is already for school, reading to BooBoo Kitty

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Awww...preschool? They grow up too fast! Even though you aren't blogging much, I am glad you are still doing it! I love the peek into things! So glad school is going well so far!