Friday, July 4, 2008

Fireworks tonight?

My first blog.....

The 4th of July....crazy to think it's been one year since Transformers the movie came out. The only reason I know that is because I was seeing it a year ago today. Not that I was a huge die-hard transformers fan, but I was seeing it because it was the only thing I really felt like doing, because I was big...really big, swollen, and about to have a baby. 10 days later, my Keira was born. Brodie and I saw the movie, then slept all day until about 9 PM. I made him get up and drive me around to chase the fireworks that we could hear but not see from our street. We drove all around the not-so-glorious side streets and country roads of Kennedale and we did see some fading sparkles from a distance. Hopefully we will be able to show Keira so great fireworks tonight. We should probably leave the house before they start this time. Hopefully we will, depending on how she is feeling. Just as I was saying last night to a group of mothers, Keira has never been sick. Not at all. No fever, no ear infections or anything. We got home last night, put her to bed and started watching the tube. Then it happened. She threw up 6-7 times in 3 hours. We did lots of laundry and lots of baths. I spoke to soon. (she is doing good now! No more vomit since last night.)

One year has flown by and recently I am beginning to get weepy eyes every time I think about Keira's first birthday. Okay, so I have been getting weepy eyes for about 10 months thinking about her 1st birthday. That goes away right?

I have never blogged, nor do I read others blogs. I decided I would give it a try. I feel blogging is sorta like a diary for the new generation...and something to do since myspace is so last year. So here is my first blog for you to enjoy. Hopefully I will keep this up better than the 9 diaries I started way back when.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Yea!!! A blog!! You are going to love it!! I am glad you are here!