Monday, April 27, 2009

Big Week!

Last week, we took a big step in milestones! On Thursday before gymnastics, Keira and I were reading her "No More Pacie" book and we talked about what a big girl she was and that she didn't need pacies anymore. I talked her into finding all her pacies and we put them in a plastic Tupperware. She even found some that she had hidden and remembered where they were. I only knew where one was. So we packed them all up and I told her to put them in my purse and I would take them to Baby Bowen because he still needed them and she no longer did because she is a big girl! We tried to do this same thing when she was around 18 months but she was not ready yet. Its funny because I know she is ready this time because she is going along with it and hardly even crying about it. My mother intuition says she is ready now. She has not had one since Friday. ( I had to give in at a nap will hear about this later on.) She is doing so good. I do have to admit though...I am a little bum bed. It means she is growing up and becoming less of my little baby girl (even though she will always be).

Well to celebrate this I decided to try and take Keira to her first movie on Friday. Since Brodie has soccer games every Friday, Keira and I are usually on our own and I am always looking for stuff to do. So when I got home from picking her up an NeNas and GaGas house, they said they had no luck getting her to take a nap. I was afraid that if she didn't have one all day we wouldn't make it to the movies which I really wanted to do. So I got home and put her in bed and she kept crying and saying..."member...I gave pacies to Bowen..." over and over again. This has been the only time she has cried about it though. I tossed her a pacie and she was out in just a few minutes. This was the last time she has had one though. All week I kept seeing the previews to Disney's Earth and kept thinking that would be right up her ally. And I was correct! She loved it and sat for the whole movie. She got a little restless at the end but not bad at all. My BF Shelby went with us and we had a great girls night out. Keira's first reaction was, "Big TV!" She also kept making all of the animal noises through out the movie. She loved the baby bears, the monkeys, the ducks jumping out of the tree, and all of the underwater scenes. I knew this would be the perfect movie for her because she loves seeing "real animals" on TV. They keep her attention better than cartoons. (except Dora!) We had sour patch kids (which were a hit!) and some Reese's pieces. I am so happy that she did so well because the movie theater by our house is about to start showing dollar movies on Fridays during the summer and the movies are older kid films. So that will be something fun for us to start doing, especially during the summer. I wish I had remembered to take my camera with me to capture the moment of her first movie but I didn't. At least I kept the stub to put in her keep sake box. Thanks Shelby for a wonderful memory!

We got several new books this weekend for Keira to enjoy. Keira is such a book worm that her book collection is overtaking our house. The new ones include "Oh The Places You'll Go" (by the one and only Dr. S), "Colors,ABCs, Numbers" and "Llama Llama Misses Mama". For any of you who love childrens books, you have got to get this last one in your collection. We also have "Llama Llama Mad at Mama," and "Llama Llama Red Pajama". These are the cutest books and Keira just adores them.

I laugh as I look at my laptop which is missing the "A" key due to Keira's furry brother. Lets just say, we haven't gotten to the no chewing lesson in puppy class yet.

There is a little summary of our wonderful week. I have to go because Keira is handing me her new Llama book and saying, "Read it Kelsey! Read it Kelsey!". Yes, Mommy and Daddy have been replaced by Kelsey and Brodie.

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