Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Help if you can!

So, on Saturday, I went to get a much needed pedicure and took a stack of my People magazines. (I have a subscription but never seem to get caught up on them before the next one comes in the mail...wonder why??) I read about 2 of them and through them in my purse. That night we went to Brodie's mom and dads for dinner and celebrating Tom's bday. Brodie's sister likes People so I gave her the mags before we left. Well, I forgot but when I was reading one, I saw an article that caught my attention and I was wondering if anyone can help me. It was about this man who started a blog the day his daughter was born. But the next day his wife dies in the hospital... I think from a blood clot. So he continues blogging about his life raising his daughter alone. It was a really neat article and I would like to find his blog and start reading it. Anyone know of this and if so, what is the site? I know that his daughter is named Maddie (Madeline) but not sure of his name.

Hopefully someone can help!


Anonymous said...

I saw that article too! WOW!!!!

Ruth said...

yes, i have been following them..the link is on my blog list...sad, sad stuff.